Friday, March 8, 2013

CousCous Stuffed Bell Peppers & Simple Syrup

Couscous Stuffed bell peppers:

1/2c tomato sauce/spaghetti sauce
4 bell peppers
1/2lb hamburger
1t garlic
1/2 minced white onion
1/4t garlic & onion powder
salt & pepper
3/4c couscous, dry
2 roma tomatoes
top of bell pepper

Cook the hamburger, seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic & onion powder. Drain and sautee the garlic & onion (you can cook this with the beef if you want) add the sauce & hamburger in a bowl and add in the cooked onions & garlic.

I was testing to see which way the pepper did better and I think cutting off the top of the pepper (the red one) is the best option but you can do it however you like. 

I chop up the top of the pepper & put in the filling. Then clean out the ribs & seeds. One of them had a baby!

So once the filling is mixed up and the peppers are prepped. I put them on a foiled pan, you may need to do some trimming on the bottom of the pepper if it keeps rolling over. Fill the peppers to the top and a little over of the filling. Cook at 375 for 30min.

Then top with breadcrumbs (or cheese or both) and a little butter if you're just using the crumbs and bake for 15 more minutes or until the top is golden brown.

Simple Syrup:

Great use for making blended drinks instead of adding straight sugar (then it gets gritty) and it has a wonderful taste if you add flavorings.

Fresh mint 10 leaves
peel of one lemon
juice of half a lemon
1 chunk of ginger that is cut in half
1 1/2c water
1 1/2c sugar

Boil the water & sugar until it is thickened. Add the flavorings & let it sit for at least half an hour. Strain out the leaves & whatnot. Keep in a jar or air tight container in the fridge. Lasts a few weeks!

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